Monday, July 2, 2018

5 Books That Are Ready To Become Movies

As I was scrolling through Facebook, I stumbled upon this post by Penguin Teen. It was essentially a list of books that should be adapted into movies or TV shows. I thought this was such a fun idea that I decided to create my own list inspired by Penguin Teen, so here we are!

The Adventurers Guild by Zack Loran Clark and Nick Eliopolus

This book would make such an awesome movie! It has such a rich story that reminds me a bit of Percy Jackson. Obviously they're nothing alike, but this middle grade story brings out the same feelings that Percy Jackson does. It's exciting, fast-paced, and action-packed; it's ready to become a movie!

The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Okay, this would be one of the greatest rom-coms to possibly ever be made. The story is quirky and hilarious that I think it would make an adorable and wonderful movie. 

An Ember In The Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

I don't want to repeat any books on the list Penguin Teen put together, but this is one of my favorite series ever and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to gush about it for the millionth time. All I'm going to say is these books would make an AMAZING TV series. 

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

While I haven't completed this series, I can only imagine what amazing movies these books would make. I mean, who doesn't love a good fairy-tale? SciFi + Fairy-tale = recipe for success. 

The Girl At Midnight by Melissa Grey

I mean wow. This book would make SUCH a stunning movie. I think it would be tricky to adapt, but if done correctly, it would be beautiful. 

So that's my incomplete list of books that should be adapted. These aren't even half of the books I wanted to put on this list, but I thought I wouldn't put too many for now. This post was so fun to make! I encourage you all to let me know of some books you want to be adapted in the comments below! Thank you all so much for reading!



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